(*Corresponding Author, #Undergraduate Student, and †Equal Contribution)
A complete and updated list of publications can be found here.
Publications at Yale:
Perets, E.†; Konstantinovsky, D.†; Santiago, T.; Videla, P.; Tremblay, M.; Velarde, L.; Batista, V.; Hammes-Schiffer, S.*; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Beyond the "Spine of Hydration": Chiral SFG spectroscopy detects DNA first hydration shell and base pair structures" The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 095104, 2024.
Yan, E. C. Y.*; Perets, E. A.; Konstantinovsky, D.; Hammes-Schiffer, S. "Detecting Interplay of Chirality, Water, and Interfaces for Elucidating Biological Functions" Accounts of Chemical Research, 56, 12, 1494, 2023.
Konstantinovsky, D.; Perets, E. A.; Santiago, T.; Olesen, K.; Wang, Z.; Soudackov, A., V,; Yan, E. C. Y.*; Hammes-Schiffer, S.* "Design of en Electrostatic Frequency Map for the NH Stretch of the Protein Backbone and Application to Chiral Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy" The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127, 11, 2418, 2023.
Konstantinovsky, D.†; Perets, E. A.†; Santiago, T.; Velarde, L.; Hammes-Schiffer, S.*; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Detecting the First Hydration Shell Structure around Biomolecules at Interfaces" ACS Central Science, 8, 10, 1404, 2022.
Perets, E. A.†; Konstantinovsky, D.†; Fu, L.; Chen, J.; Wang, H.-F.; Hammes-Schiffer, S.*; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Mirror-image antiparallel β-sheets organize water molecules into superstructures of opposite chirality" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 32902, 2020.
Perets, E. A.; Chabeda, D.#; Gong, A. Z.#; Huang, X.; Fung, T. S.; Ng, K. Y.; Bathgate, M.*; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Impact of the Emergency Transition to Remote Teaching on Student Engagement in a Non-STEM Undergraduate Chemistry Course in the Time of COVID-19" The Journal of Chemical Education, 97, 2439, 2020.
Liu, W.; Fu, L.; Wang, Z.; Sohrabpour, Z.; Li, X.; Liu, Y.; Wang, H.-F.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Two dimensional crowding effects on protein folding at interfaces observed by chiral vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 22421, 2018.
Culhane, K. J.; Belina, M. E.; Sims, J. N.; Cai, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wang, P. S. P.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Parathyroid Hormone Senses Extracellular Calcium to Modulate Endocrine Signaling upon Binding to the Family B GPCR Parathyroid Hormone 1 Receptor" ACS Chemical Biology, 13, 2347, 2018.
Kaufman, G.; Liu, W.; Williams, D. M.; Choo, Y.; Gopinadhan, M.; Samudrala, N.; Sarfati, R.; Yan, E. C. Y.; Regan, L.; Osuji, C.* "Flat Drops, Elastic Sheets, and Microcapsules by Interfacial Assembly of a Bacterial Biofilm Protein, BslA" Langmuir, 33, 13590, 2017.
Cai, Y.; Liu, Y.; Culhane, K.J.; DeVree, B. T.; Yang, Y.; Sunahara, R. K.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Purification of family B G protein-coupled receptors using nanodiscs: Application to human glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor" PLOS ONE, 12, e0179568, 2017.
Guo, Y.; Hendrickson, H. P.; Videla, P. E.; Chen, Y.-N.; Ho, J.; Sekharan, S.; Batista, V. S.; Tully, J. C.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "Probing the remarkable thermal kinetics of visual rhodopsin with E181Q and S186A mutants" The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 215104, 2017.
Schloss, A.†; Liu, W.†; Williams, D. M.†; Kaufman, G.; Hendrickson, H. P.; Rudshteyn, B.; Fu, L.; Wang, H.; Batista, V. S.; Osuji, C.; Yan, E. C. Y.*; Regan, L.*; "Fabrication of Modularly Functionalizable Microcapsules Using Protein-Based Technologies" ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2, 1856, 2016.
Singhal, A.; Guo, Y.; Matkovic, M.; Schertler, G.; Deupi, X.; Yan, E. C. Y.*; Standfuss, J. "Structural role of the T94I rhodopsin mutation in congenital stationary night blindness" EMBO reports, 17, 1237, 2016.
Wang, Z.; Morales-Acosta, M. D.; Li, S.; Liu, W.; Kanai, T.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Y. N.; Walker, F. J.; Ahn, C.; Leblanc, R. M.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "A Narrow Amide I Vibrational Band Observed by Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Reveals Highly Ordered Structures of a Biofilm Protein at the Air/Water Interface" Chem. Comm., 52, 2956, 2016.
- Fu, L.; Wang, Z.; Yan, E. C. Y.* "N-H Stretching Modes Around 3300 Wavenumber From Peptide Backbones Observed by Chiral Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy" Chirality 22, 306, 2014.
Sekharan, S.*; Mooney, V.; Rivalta, I.; Kazmi, M. A.; Neitz, M.; Neitz, J.; Sakmar, T. P.; Yan, E. C. Y.*, Batista, V. B.* "Spectral Tuning of Ultraviolet Cone Pigments: An Interhelical Lock Mechanism" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 19064, 2013.
Liu, M. Y.#; Liu, J.; Mehrotra, D.#; Liu, Y.; Guo, Y.; Baldera-Aguayo, P. A.; Mooney, V.; Nour, A. M.; Yan, E. C. Y.* “Thermal Stability of Rhodopsin and Progression of Retinitis Pigmentosa: A Comparison of S186W and D190N Rhodopsin Mutants” J. Biol. Chem. 288, 17698, 2013.
Mitra, N.†; Liu, Y.†; Liu, J.; Serebryany, E.; Mooney, V.; DeVree, B. T.; Sunahara, R. K.; Yan, E. C. Y.* “Calcium-Dependent Ligand Binding and G-protein Signaling of Family B GPCR Parathyroid Hormone 1 Receptor Purified in Nanodiscs” ACS Chem. Biol. 8, 617, 2013.
Publications prior to Yale:
Ahuja, S.; Eilers, M.; Hirshfeld, A.; Yan, E. C. Y.; Ziliox, M.; Sakmar, T. P.; Sheves, M.; Smith, S. O.* “6-s-cis Conformation and Polar Binding Pocket of the Retinal Chromophore in the Photoactivated State of Rhodopsin” J. Am. Chem. Soc.131, 15160, 2009.
Ahuja, S.; Hornak, V.; Yan, E. C. Y.; Syrett, N.; Goncalves, J. A.; Hirshfeld, A.; Ziliox, M.; Sakmar, T. P.; Sheves, M.; Reeves, P.J.; Smith, S. O.* & Eilers, M. "Helix Movement is Coupled to Displacement of Extracellular Loop 2 in Rhodopsin Activation." Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.16, 168. 2009.
Ye, S. X.; Köhrer, C.; Huber, T.; Kazmi, M.; Sachdev, P.; Yan, E. C. Y.; Bhagat, A.#; RajBhandary, U. L.; Sakmar, T. P.* “Site-specific Incorporation of Keto Amino Acids Into Functional G Protein-Coupled Receptors Using Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis” J. Biol. Chem. 283, 1525, 2008.
Yan, E. C. Y.*; Epps, J.; Lewis, J. W.; Szundi, I; Bhagat, A.; Sakmar, T. P.; Kliger, D. S.* “Photointermediates of the Rhodopsin S186A Mutant as a Probe of the Hydrogen Bond Network in the Chromophore Pocket and Counterion Switch” Invited Paper, J. Phy. Chem. C. 111, 8843, 2007.
Yan, E. C. Y.; Kazmi, M.A.; Ganim, Z.#; Hou, J. M.; Pan, D. H.; Chang, B. S. W.; Sakmar, T. P.; Mathies, R. A “Retinal counterion Switch in the Photoactivation of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Rhodopsin” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 9262, 2003.
Commentary by Birge, R. R. and Knox, B. E. “Perspectives on the counterion switch-induced photoactivation of the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 9105, 2003.
Yan, E. C. Y.; Kazmi, M. A.; De, S.; Chang, B. S. W.; Seibert, C.; Marin, E. P.; Mathies, R. A.; Sakmar, T. P. “Function of Extracellular Loop 2 in Bovine Rhodopsin: Glutamic Acid 181 Modulates Stability and Wavelength Maximal Absorption of Metarhodopsin II” Biochemistry 41, 3620, 2002.