The Tully Group

Former Members of the Tully Group

  • Artur Izmaylov
  • Ryan Steele
  • Jill Zwickl
  • Jay Kerwin
  • Neil Shenvi
  • Anastassia Alexandrova
  • Sharani Roy
  • J.R. Schmidt
  • Natasa Mateljevic
  • Priya Parandekar
  • K. Lance Kelly
  • Vinod Krishna
  • Xiaosong Li
  • Visiting Professor Joel Bowman
  • John Burant
  • Steve Corcelli
  • Helene Decornez
  • James Kindt
  • Daniela Kohen
  • Laura LaBerge
  • Oleg Prezhdo
  • Laurie Randell
  • Jay Rahman
  • David Scholl
  • Three honorary members & the namesake of some workstations

  • Tully Group Photos
    Phone: 203-432-3934 (Tully); 203-432-6068 (Group); 203-432-6144 (FAX)
    Last Modified: Sept. 2012.