1H NMR: Novice Level, Spectrum 6

Formula: C5H10O

Answer: 3-Pentanone

Chemical Shift Assignments: δ 0.99 (s, 3H) and 2.37 (qt, 2H)

Notice that the total integration is only half the number of hydrogens in the formula. This means that there are two equivalent ethyl patterns with one degree of unsaturation. The chemical shift δ 2.37 of the CH2 indicates it is not attached to a heteroatom.

The 13C NMR spectrum has three singlets: 210.2, 34.5, and 6.9 ppm. The low field singlet is of weak intensity (no hydrogens attached). Its shift indicates a ketone carbonyl carbon. The remaining two signals are the carbons of the equivalent ethyl groups with the signal at 6.9 ppm belonging to the methyl carbon.

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