Axial - Equatorial (larger view)
Axial - Equatorial (larger view)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(How to manipulate JSmol structures)
What is the difference in energy between the two chair conformations of cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane? Cis-1,2-substitution in a chair cyclohexane means that one group (methyl) group must be equatorial and the other axial [Review]. A chair-chair interconversion would merely switch the position of the two groups: equatorial ---> axial; axial ---> equatorial. Therefore, ΔGo = 0 kcal/mol and Keq = 1. In fact, the two chairs are mirror images of one another. [Do not consider the red/blue of the methyl groups.] Rotate and arrange them so that they reflect one another as nearly as possible.What is the energy of these mirror images? The red carbons illustrate the presence of a gauche butane interaction [Review: butane] between the two methyl groups (0.9 kcal/mol). Rotate the structure into a Newman projection to see the 60o dihedral angle. The red axial methyl group has two gauche butane interactions with the ring, i. e., the red axial methyl group is diaxial to two hydrogens [Review]. The total energy is 1.8 + 0.9 = 3 x 0.9 = 2.7 kcal/mol.
What other chair dimethyl cyclohexanes have Keq = 1? Click here for the answer.