The website, Chem220, had its genesis in 1995. With a modest beginning of text and graphics, it has expanded over the years to include interactive exercises. Prior to 2015 Chem220 had five main sections to the website: Syllabus, StudyAids, Problem Sets, Bulletin Board and Overheads. As of January 2015 only Study Aids and Problem Sets are germane to a non-classroom audience. Chem220, which uses Java, is still available []. For Yale students - Access to Yale Only links off campus may be accessed via VPN.

This version, Chem220js, uses JavaScript for molecular structures, molecular orbitals, electrostatic potential maps and NMR problems [see Study Aids]. This means that one is not dependent upon Java AND you can open Chem220js [] on a smart phone. Although the PowerPoint presentations are of questionable quality on a smart phone, each PowerPoint has been converted to a PDF file. They are listed in the StudyAids immediately below the corresponding PowerPoint link. All PDF versions of PowerPoints are followed by the statement: better for smart phones.

There are also links to the Yale Chemistry Department and to the University itself. Return to the Home Page at any time by double clicking the "Home Page" button above, which is located throughout the website.

My sincere gratitude to Mikhael "Misha" Guy [e-mail:], Science Research Software Core, Department of Computer Science, Yale University for his tireless effort and patience in leading me through the Java to JavaScript conversion. I also acknowledge the assistance of Julian Tirado-Rives [e-mail:], Yale Department of Chemistry, for getting Chem220js up and running in its new location.

F. E. Ziegler, January 2015