Friday, April 25, 2008


NAME (print): ___________________________________________________


TA:_____________________    Day:_________________ Time:__________



Take a few moments to look over the exam.  Answer each question on the exam paper.


Important clues, points, and structures are in bold.


 Do all preliminary drawing or computations on the work sheets at the end of the exam. The work sheets will not be graded


The exam is 55 minutes.


STOP writing and hand in your exam when you are asked to do so.


Remember: Neatness is to your advantage.



1. (30 pts)  Reactions                          ______



2.  (30 pts) Potpourri                           ______



3.  (20 pts) Synthesis                          ______



4.  (20 pts) Structure                           ______





Total (100 pts) 

1.  (30 pts) Reactions:  Provide answers to the following reactions.


2.   (30 pts.) Potpourri:  Complete each of the following questions.


a)  Stable solutions of the lithium salt of 1-octyne can be prepared in which of the following solvents (Circle your answer(s)).



(E)-3-hexene             H2O                acetone              NH3            (CH3)3COH



b)  Lindlar reduction of 2-pentyne liberates 37.4 kcal/mol of heat.   Hydrogenation of (E)-2-pentene liberates 27.4 kcal/mol of heat to form n-pentane (DHfo=-35.1 kcal/mol).  Circle your best estimate for the heat of formation of 2-pentyne (kcal/mol)?   (What do you know about the DHfo of (E)- and (Z)-disubstituted alkenes?)


-29.7               -30.7                          +29.7                   +30.7                  -7.7




c)  Circle the halide(s) that will form viable Grignard reagents.




BrCH2CH2Br          HOCH2CH2CH2Br            CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH2Cl


                  BrCH2CH2CHO                     BrCH2CH2CO2H





d)     Circle the greatest number of compounds that are at the same oxidation level.




e)  Circle the products expected to be formed during the hydrolysis of methyl benzoate with H318O+.


3.  (20 pts)  Synthesis: Design a synthesis of (±)-epoxide 1 using 2-butyne as your only source of carbon.  All other reagents are available to you.  [Hint:  You did most of this problem on your homework.]



4.   (20 pts). Structure:  Optically-active alkyne A, C10H18, undergoes reduction to form compound B (C10H20). Compounds A or B form a single (S)-carboxylic acid (C5H10O2) C upon oxidation with aqueous KMnO4.  [At this point you should know the structures of A and C and some of B]. Compound B also reacts with bromine to form two (and not one) optically active dibromides D and E (D and E are not distinguishable).  What are the structures of A-E?  Show how D and E determine the stereochemical issue in B.  How was A reduced to B? 
 Work Sheets
      Work Sheets
      Work Sheets