Friday, December 2, 2011


NAME (print): ________________________________________________________


TA:_________________ Sect. Day:_________________ Sect. Time:_____________



Fill in the information above.  Place your name on the top right of subsequent pages.

Take a few moments to look over the exam.  Record answers to questions on the exam paper.


No calculators, electronic devices or earbuds.  You may use molecular models.  Important clues and structures are in bold.  A Periodic Table (pg. 8) is provided.


 Do all preliminary drawing or computations on the work sheets at the end of the exam. The work sheets will not be graded. You may detach the work sheets from the exam.


The exam is 55 minutes.


STOP writing and hand in your exam when you are asked to do so.


Remember: Neatness is to your advantage.


1. (10 pts) Mechanism                                    ______



2. (30 pts) Potpourri (do 3 of 5)                      ______



3. (40 pts) Potpourri (do 4 of 6)                      ______



4. (20 pts) Synthesis                                       ______



Total (100 pts)



1. Mechanism: (10 pts.) From the reading assignment on PS9, write a mechanism for the following reaction.







2.  Potpourri: (30 pts., equal weight)  Complete 3 of 5 of the following questions. You may do 3c or 3d, but not both of them. If you do more than three questions, cross out the ones that you do not want graded.


a) Explain why the small, unhindered base sodium ethoxide does not give any of the more substituted alkene (Zaitsev product).  A knowledge of chair conformations and the E2 mechanism is useful.

















b) The oxidation of 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene to acetone with OsO4/H5IO6 is a four-electron oxidation. The same reaction may be conducted with ozone followed by dimethyl sulfide reduction. Explain and illustrate the number of electrons involved in the O3/(CH3)2S reaction.
















c) Circle the terms that are applicable to an E2 reaction.


concerted                deuterium isotope effect                 intermediate


rate =k[RX][base]            preferred syn elimination                   reversible reaction








d)  Circle the alkene reactions that are stereospecific.


         OsO4/NMMO                     HBr/cat. R2O2                     peracid oxidation        



                     acid-catalyzed hydration                      hydroboration




e)  Oxidation of 1-propanol with PCC in dry CH2Cl2 provides propionaldehyde.  A side    product can be the ester, n-propylpropionate (CH3CH2CO2CH2CH2CH3). Explain and illustrate. [ORGO, alcohols, #3.  What if water were present?]






















3. Reactions: (40 pts.; equal weight)  Identify the unknown structures and answer questions in 4 of 6 of the following problems.  Explain briefly.  If you do more than four problems, cross out the ones that you do not want graded.












4.  Synthesis: (20 pts.)  Design a synthesis of 2-hexanone using propene as your only source of carbon.  All reagents are available to you.

Periodic Table







Work Sheet


Work Sheet


Work Sheet