The data sets displayed by DXYPlot do not necessarily have to be digitized at the same density (i.e., delta-X per data point can be different.) When two data sets are displayed, one is called the 'Primary Data Set', and the other is called the 'Secondary Data Set'. Initially, both data sets are plotted on the same X-axis. The Secondary Data Set can be shifted relative to the Primary Data Set in both dimensions. Shifting the Secondary Data in the X-dimension does not alter the X-axis display (which is mapped to the Primary data set.) Therefore, it is necessary to use the cursor to read the X-coordinates of the the Secondary Data set when it has been shifted. Since DXYPlot was designed to display spectroscopic data in which the Y-scaling is often arbitrary, no Y-axis is displayed in the plotting area. This makes it necessary to use the cursor to read the Y-coordinates of either data set. When the cursor is placed over the graph, the X and Y coordinates (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) that correspond to the cursor location are displayed below the graphical image. (Back to Contents)
'List Mode' enables the coordinates of individual data points to be displayed. When the mouse button is pressed and 'List Mode' is active, the data point (or points, if two spectra are shown) that is nearest to the cursor is selected and its coordinates are reported below the drawing area. Pressing the mouse button places these coordinates on a list in a text area on the HTML page. If both DXYPlot and the server are configured to pass these coordinates, they can be sent back to a server as parameters for additional data processing. (Back to Contents)
Download allows the actual content the Data Sets to be imported
to a new browser window. The file contents are presented in ascii
format without modification so they can be viewed or saved on the local
disk drive.
Smaller Buttons shrinks the buttons on the control panel and the panel itself.
Hide Buttons removes the control panel and other textual information from the DXYPlot Window when it is checked. 'Hide Buttons' is a check-box menu item that can be switched back and forth between the checked and unchecked state to toggle the display of the control panel.
Primary Data Header opens a new window showing the actual header from the most recent Primary Data file that was downloaded.
Secondary Data Header opens a new window showing the actual header
from the most recent Secondary Data file that was downloaded.
List Mode allows coordinates to be listed to the text area on
the HTML page. The coordinates correspond to values for data points whose
x-values are closest to the x-coordinate of the cursor.
About DXYPlot displays information regarding the authorship and copyright of DXYPlot.
Global Buttons. The top group of buttons
are global in scope, changing the appearance of both data sets in the graph.
The buttons in each row are functionally related: the leftmost and
center buttons have opposite effects on a plotting parameter, and the rightmost
button resets the parameter to its default state. (Back
to Contents)
<- moves data to the left.
-> moves data to the right.
Recenter X puts the center of the graph at
the center of the Primary Data Set's X-range.
Y++ expands the Y-axis.
Y-- contracts the Y-axis.
Reset Scale resets the Y-axis to the original
value established when the data set was downloaded.
Up moves the graph up.
Down moves the graph down.
Recenter Y resets the vertical position of
the Primary Data to its original position. Note that the vertical position
of the Secondary Data is defined relative to that of the Primary Data.
See below for instructions on how to set/reset the relative vertical position
of the Secondary Data.
Redraw refreshes the graphical image of the
plot. This is useful when the image has been corrupted by having another
window dragged across it.
Reset All resets all of the positioning, scaling
and offset parameters for both data sets to their original values.
Second Data Set Buttons The next block of
buttons controls the appearance of the Secondary Data by moving the Secondary
Data axes and redrawing the Secondary Data. Note that the Global
Buttons change the appearance of both the Primary and Secondary Data
Sets, but the Second Data Set Buttons only move the Secondary Data
Set. (Back to Contents)
Y++ expands the Y-axis for Secondary data.
Y-- contracts the Y-axis for Secondary data.
Reset Scale resets the Y-axis for the Secondary data to the
original value established when the data set was downloaded, but in this
context the scaling is relative to that of the Primary data, not absolute.
Up moves the graph of the Secondary data up.
Down moves the graph of the Secondary data down.
Reset Y Offset sets the vertical location of the Secondary data
to its original position relative to that of the Primary data.
Superimpose Y-Scales redraws the Secondary data, setting its
scaling and vertical position parameters to values that are that are identical
to those currently set for the Primary data. This should facilitate data
comparisons when the data in the original JCAMP-DX and/or DXY files have
been scaled appropriately.