Jmol building notes Building Jmol properly requires three projects: Jmol JSmol JSpecView - JSpecView: Jmol needs JSpecView's jar file, so if there are changes, to JSpecView, start there. The build.xml in JSpecView will copy files to Jmol (to appletfiles/ and jars/). - Jmol: update and check it in so that it gets a new time stamp. is also used by JSmol (along with all the Jmol java files). - JSmol: run: build_01_fromjmol.xml build_02_fromjspecview.xml build_03a_tojstest.xml This is a fast build because it does not create the minified versions. Test files are in site/jsmol. Test test test! (test2.htm, testjsv.htm, etc) - JSmol: run: build_01_fromjmol.xml build_02_fromjspecview.xml build_03b_tojs.xml This produces the minified files. Test files are in site/jsmol. Test test test! (jsmol.htm, simple2.htm, supersimple.htm) - JSmol: Update and check in jsmol files - Jmol: run buildjsmolzip.xml - Jmol: Update and check in jmol files