Pauling established a scale of
electronegativities for the atoms. The electronegativities
common in organic chemistry are displayed on the right as
they are in the Periodic Table. The greater the number, the
greater the electronegativity. Elements in the first group
(vertical) are highly electropositive. The lighter the shade
of blue in Group I, the more electropositive. This trend is
true for Groups II-VII as well. As one moves across the
periods of the table (horizontal), the atoms become more
electronegative. Ionic compounds are formed from highly
electropositive and electronegative atoms, e. g.,
Na+Cl-. Since carbon is in the center
of the second period, it forms covalent bonds with its near
neighbors. Thus, a covalent C-H bond is often displayed as
(δ-) C-H (δ+),
indicating that there is partial negative charge on carbon
and partial positive charge on hydrogen. Similarly, a
carbon-boron bond would be polarized (δ-)
C-B (δ+), However, a boron-hydrogen
bond would be polarized in the opposite sense, (δ+)
B-H (δ-). Bond Dipole
2.2 |
1.0 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
2.5 |
3.0 |
3.4 |
4.0 |
0.9 |
1.3 |
1.6 |
1.9 |
2.2 |
2.6 |
3.2 |
0.8 |
3.0 |
2.7 |
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Hydrogen:Rotate the hydrogen molecule into the z-axis. This view is cylindrical along the molecular axis. The bond is a σ-bond. Move the image to the x-axis. The highest region of electron density is at the bond. The map also indicates that there is electron density in regions of space besides in the bond itself. |
Hydrogen |
Carbon Dioxide:Carbon dioxide, like H2, is a linear molecule without a molecular dipole by virtue of its sp-hybridized carbon atom. Since carbon is more electronegative than oxygen, carbon appears blue; the oxygens are red. [Note: the blue - red range is scaled to the atoms of the molecule, not to the colors in the Pauling Electronegativity Table above.] |
Carbon Dioxide |
Methane:Methane contains an sp3-hybridized carbon and four C-H bonds whose net BDM's cancel one another leaving the molecule without a molecular dipole. Measure the bond angles in methane. Are the all the same? Methane |
Carbon Tetrachloride:Carbon tetrachoride has the same geometry as methane but its electron density lies on the surface of the molecule. These electrons from different molecules of CCl4 create temporary dipoles (London Dispersion Force) that create an attractive force. A crude measure of these forces is the boiling point of CCl4: 770C. Compare this with methane: -1620C! View the structure along the Cl-C bond. Notice the yellow region inside the red. The red region is due to electrons in the py and pz orbitals. the orthogonal px orbital is bonding to the an sp3-hybridized carbon orbital. Most of the px orbitals electron density is in the σ-bond.The other lobe is devoid of electron density. It appears yellow. Measure the bond lengths and bond angles. What differs relative to methane? |
Carbon Tetrachloride |
Ethane, Ethylene, Acetylene:These three two-carbon molecules have no molecular dipole. They have sp3 (tetrahedral), sp2 (planar) and sp (linear) hybridized carbons, respectively. What is the conformation of ethane? Select: JMol (logo) --> Surfaces --> Make Translucent. In ethylene, the highest electron density (red) is in the center of the molecule, above and below the plane of the molecule. This is due to the π-bond. In acetylene, the red region extends about the "equator" of the molecule, owing to the the orthogonal pair of π-bonds. |
Ethane |
Ethylene |
Acetylene |
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Methyl Fluoride |
Methyl Chloride |
Methyl Bromide |
Methyl Iodide |
The four methyl halides shown above have
increasing (left to right) electronegative halogen atoms.
the halogen atoms along the X-C axis. Notice the region of
the halogen atom along the bond axis but remote from the
bond. There is less and less electron density at this site
as one passes from fluorine to iodine. |
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