call loadScript core\package.js
call loadScript core\core.z.js -- required by ClazzNode
Jmol JavaScript applet jmolApplet0_object__272141310245211__ initializing
getValue debug = null
getValue logLevel = null
(C) 2012 Jmol Development
Jmol Version: 13.1.14_dev $Date: 2013-02-22 00:30:17 -0600 (Fri, 22 Feb 2013) $
java.vendor: j2s
java.version: 0.0 j2s
Access: ALL
memory: 0.0/0.0
processors available: 1
useCommandThread: false
appletId:jmolApplet0_object (signed)
starting HoverWatcher_1
getValue emulate = null
defaults = "Jmol"
getValue boxbgcolor = null
getValue bgcolor = [0xFFFFFF]
backgroundColor = "[0xFFFFFF]"
getValue ANIMFRAMECallback = null
getValue APPLETREADYCallback = Jmol._readyCallback
APPLETREADYCallback = "Jmol._readyCallback"
getValue ATOMMOVEDCallback = null
getValue CLICKCallback = null
getValue ECHOCallback = null
getValue ERRORCallback = null
getValue EVALCallback = null
getValue HOVERCallback = null
getValue LOADSTRUCTCallback = null
getValue MEASURECallback = null
getValue MESSAGECallback = null
getValue MINIMIZATIONCallback = null
getValue PICKCallback = null
getValue RESIZECallback = null
getValue SCRIPTCallback = null
getValue SYNCCallback = null
getValue script = null
Jmol applet jmolApplet0_object__272141310245211__ ready
call loadScript core\corescript.z.js
starting QueueThread0_2
script 1 started
call loadScript core\corestate.z.js
starting HoverWatcher_3
FileManager opening file:/Users/fredziegler/FEZDOCUMENTS/WEBSITESFOLDER/CHEMISTRY220js/STUDYAIDS/ESPotential/data/hydrogen.mol
The Resolver thinks Mol
Created by GaussView 5.0.9
Time for openFile(data/hydrogen.mol): 51 ms
reading 2 atoms
ModelSet: haveSymmetry:false haveUnitcells:false haveFractionalCoord:false
1 model in this collection. Use getProperty "modelInfo" or getProperty "auxiliaryInfo" to inspect them.
Default Van der Waals type for model set to Babel
2 atoms created
ModelSet: autobonding; use autobond=false to not generate bonds automatically
starting HoverWatcher_5
call loadScript core\coresurface.z.js
isosurface data/hydrogen.jvxl;
isosurface data from
FileManager opening file:/Users/fredziegler/FEZDOCUMENTS/WEBSITESFOLDER/CHEMISTRY220js/STUDYAIDS/ESPotential/data/hydrogen.jvxl
data file type was determined to be Jvxl
call loadScript J\jvxl\readers\JvxlReader.js
call loadScript J\jvxl\readers\JvxlXmlReader.js -- required by J.jvxl.readers.JvxlReader
call loadScript J\jvxl\readers\VolumeFileReader.js -- required by J.jvxl.readers.JvxlXmlReader
call loadScript J\jvxl\readers\SurfaceFileReader.js -- required by J.jvxl.readers.VolumeFileReader
call loadScript J\io\XmlReader.js
Reading extra JVXL information line: -1 35 90 35 90 Jmol voxel format version 1.4
jvxl file surfaces: 1
voxel grid origin:(-1.2, -1.2, -1.5561152)
voxel grid count/vector:17 0.17142858000000002 0 0
voxel grid count/vector:17 0 0.17142858000000002 0
voxel grid count/vector:21 0 0 0.17290169000000002
reading jvxl data set: #
291 1085 1085 0.0010539196 0.017637547 0.0010539196 0.017637547
rendering:isosurface ID "isosurface1" fill noMesh noDots notFrontOnly
JVXL read: cutoff 0
JVXL read: data_min/max 0.00105391/0.01763754
JVXL read: color red/blue: 0.00105391/0.01763754
JVXL read: 17 x 17 x 21 data points
boundbox corners {-1.199047619 -1.199047619 -1.5561152} {1.1990477390000005 1.1990477390000005 1.5570757849444448}
JVXL reading color data mapped min/max: 0.00105391/0.01763754 for 1085 vertices. using encoding keys 35 90
mapping red-->blue for 0.00105391 to 0.01763754 colorPrecision:false
isosurface1 created with cutoff=0; isosurface count: 1
isosurface full data range 0.0011460412777777778 to 0.017545408722222225 with color scheme spanning 0.00105391 to 0.01763754
Script completed
Jmol script terminated