Problem Set 1

Chem 220

Due : Monday, September, 15, 1997



1. Draw Lewis structures for methane and its carbocation, radical, and carbanion.


2. Draw Lewis structures for cyanamide (NH2CN) and hydrazoic acid (HN3).


3. Explain and illustrate with Lewis structures why BF3 forms a "salt" (bp 126o) with diethyl ether.


4. Explain and illustrate the difference between tautomerism and resonance.


5. Draw the structure and correct IUPAC name for "2-isopropyl-2-isobutyl-n-butane".


6. Carbon dioxide and water are the products of complete combustion (oxidation) of

hydrocarbons. How much CO2 and H2O is produced by the oxidation of 1 gram of

cyclohexane? Show how these numbers can be used to determine the

carbon/hydrogen ratio (empirical formula) if the cyclohexane were an unknown

substance. What information is necessary to obtain the molecular formula?


7. Ammonia, NH3, has a pKa=33. Can a solution of NaNH2 be prepared in methanol (CH3OH)? Explain.


8. A chemical reaction obeys the rate law, rate =k[A][B]. What impact will doubling the amount of

solvent have on the rate of the reaction? Explain.


9. A better acronym for Organic Reactions for Bulldogs (ORB) at the course website is needed. Since

Bulldogs refer to the course as ORGO, it is an acronym in search of a title. Other meaningful and

printable acronyms may be suggested. Mail via ORB (in the About ORB link). A vote will be taken on a

future Problem Set.