Chem 220 - Organic Chemistry

Problem Set 9, Solution Set

Chapters 9 and 10, Alcohols

Due: Monday, November 16, 2009

The alcohol module in ORGO will give you a good review of some of the fundamental reactions discussed in class and in Chapters 8 and 9. As you master the chemistry of alcohols, you should try the Web of Reactions.

1. How many grams of K2Cr2O7 in aqueous H2SO4 are required to oxidize 30 grams of cyclopentanol to cyclopentanone? [This is a redox reaction from Gen. Chem. Derive the balanced equation and show your work.] this is a reduction-oxidaton (redox) reaction. The alcohol is oxidized; chromium (IV) is reduced to Cr (III). Both electrons and atoms must be balanced.
a) balance atoms for chromium:

Cr2O7-2-----------> 2Cr+3
Add 7 oxygens on the right as H2O;
Cr2O7-2-----------> 2Cr+3 + 7H2O;
Add 14 H+ on the left to balance atoms;
Cr2O7-2 + 14H+ -----------> 2Cr+3 + 7H2O.
b) Balance atoms for cyclopentanol:
C5H10O -------> C5H8O;
Add 2H+ on the right:
C5H10O -------> C5H8O + 2H+
c) Determine the net electron change for each half reaction:
Cr2O7-2 + 14H+ -----------> 2Cr+3 + 7H2O; +12 ---> +6 = +6 electrons;
C5H10O -------> C5H8O + 2H+; 0 ---> +2 = -2 electrons.
d) Multiply reduction reaction by 3 to balance electron change..
3 x [C5H10O -------> C5H8O + 2H+];
3C5H10O -------> 3C5H8O + 6H+;
Add half reactions together:
Cr2O7-2 + 14H+ + 3C5H10O -----> 2Cr+3 + 7H2O + 3C5H8O + 6H+;
Simplify protons;
Cr2O7-2 + 8H+ + 3C5H10O -----> 2Cr+3 + 7H2O + 3C5H8O.
The reaction is balanced in atoms and electrons. Three moles of cyclopentanol are oxidized by one mole of K2Cr2O7.
MW cyclopentanol = 86; 30/86 = 0.349 moles;
MW K2Cr2O7 = 294; 294 x (0.349/3) = 34 gm.


Victor Grignard (1871-1935)

Co-Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1912)

2. Optically-active compound A (C10H20O2) reacts with LiAlH4 in ether to form a single optically-inactive compound B (C5H12O). Bromide C is converted into its Grignard reagent D. Reagent D reacts with A to form optically-active E (C9H20O) and (S)-B. What are the structures A-E? Explain and illustrate.

1 DU. A is C10, 1DU, two oxygens, reacts with LiAlH4 and a Grignard reagent and forms a single C5 compound after reduction. What is A but an ester whose carboxylic acid and alcohol portions are both C5 units. The two fragments of A must be branched to allow for optical activity. At this point the gross structure of A is known. The lack of optical activity in B is due to the presence of a racemate. So the two asymmetric carbons must have opposite handedness. Esters undergo double Grignard addition. Since E is C9 (0 DU), the Grignard reagent D is ethyl magnesium bromide and C is ethyl bromide [C5 + (2 x C2) = C9]. The production of (S)-B in the Grignard addition means that the alcohol portion of ester A is (S) and the carboxylic acid portion is (R).

3. Predict the products in each of the following examples. Justify your answer.

3a) CH3MgBr adds twice to the ester and once to the ketone. A stereochemical issue arises because addition to the ketone can be cis- or trans- to the group already in the 4-position. A and B are indistinguishable.

3b) The cis-diol and the trans-diol give the same product upon aqueous chromium oxidation. The secondary alcohol affords a ketone while the primary alcohol gives an aldehyde, which hydrates, and the hydrate is converted to the carboxylic acid
A. For help see Alcohols #2 in ORGO

3c) The Grignard reagent adds to 3-pentanone to give 3-ethyl-3-pentanol. Acid-catalyzed dehydration can give but a single alkene B, 3-ethyl-2-pentene.

3d) The rate limiting step is removal of the H or D. It is harder to break C-D bonds than C-H bonds. With a limited amount of oxidant, the deuterium-containing aldehyde
A will dominate.

3e) As in 3a stereochemical issues arise. The LiAlH
4 reduction convers both the ester and the ketone to alcohols. The reduction with NaBH4 reduces only the ketone. A and B are indistinguishable

4. Two bottles on a shelf have had their labels fall on the desktop. Both of the labels read "C5H11Br". A student decides to run some reactions on the contents of bottle A and B to determine the structures of the two compounds. She also has access, as do you, to heats of formation. From the flow chart determine the structure of A and B and identify C-I. [Note: The mixture C and D is derived from A.] Show your reasoning. [Hint: Draw all of the structures of C5H11Br. What does I tell you about A and B?]

There are 8 possible bromides with the formula, C5H11Br (on the right). The reactions A --> G --> I and B --> H --> I tell you that A and B have the same carbon atom connectivity. Since there is only bromide arising from the carbon connectivity of 4, 4 is out of contention. I is a saturated alkane. The heat liberated in D --> I says that D is a terminal alkene formed along with alcohol C in the base treatment of A. There are only two options for D: 1-pentene and 3-methyl-1-butene. Oxidation of C under aqueous chromic acid conditions gives K, which is different from J, which is produced from C with PCC. Therefore, K is a carboxylic acid and J is an aldehyde (convertible to K). Consequently, C is a primary alcohol and A is a primary bromide (1, 5 or 8). Bromide B gives only alkenes (E and F) upon base treatment. B must be (no alcohol formed) a secondary or tertiary bromide (2, 3, 6 or 7). The difference (~1 kcal/mol) suggests 1,2-disubstituted cis, trans isomers. This info suggests a normal chain. Since there is no terminal alkene formed during the elimination of B --> E and F, 2 is eliminated. B is 3-bromopentane (3), E is (E)-2-pentene (less heat liberated), F is (Z)-2-pentene. Moreover, A is 1-bromopentane, C is 1-pentanol, D is 1-pentene, I is n-pentane, J is pentanal and K is pentanoic acid. No other secondary or tertiary halides would lead to only two alkenes whose difference and absolute value of heat of hydrogenation agrees with the data.

5. Neosporol (1), which is shown in two views, was successfully synthesized from racemic ketone 2, whose synthesis is well beyond the scope of this question. The immediate problem was to convert ketodiol 2 into triol 3. [The fact-oid-s have been altered slighted to facilitate the question. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1993, 115, 2581) ] When an excess of methyllithium was used to convert the ketone function of 2 into the tertiary alcohol of 3, only ketodiol 2 was recovered upon aqueous workup. A Jmol structure of neosporol is provided. Move the structure around to compare it with the two views of neosporol 1.

a) What is the minimum amount of methyllithium required in this reaction? Explain? Methyllithium reacts with each of the acohols and the ketone. Three equivalents of methyllithium.

b) What events occurred prior to aqueous work up? [Hint: Generally, organolithium and Grignard reagents undergo addition but they are also the conjugate bases of weak acids.] What was the fate of the ketone group? Rather than undergoing addition to the ketone, the methyllithium acted as a base, abstracting a hydrogen atom adjacent to the ketone forming a ketone enolate. The enolate is stable until it is protonated in the aqueous workup.

When methyl magnesium bromide was employed, both 2 and a mixture of the diastereomers of 3 were obtained. Complete conversion of 2 to 3 (5/1 mixture of diastereomeric tertiary alcohols) was effected cleanly with the cerium reagent, CH3CeCl2.

c) Draw the structures of the two diastereomers of 3, i.e., provide stereochemistry in structure 3. See 3a and 3b below from addition of the organometallic reagent to either face of the ketone.

d) Provide conditions and a mechanism for the conversion of 3 to 1. Is it necessary to separate the diastereomers of 3 prior to forming 1? See above. A proton can protonate any of the oxygen atoms of 3a and 3b. The only productive event is protonation of the tertiary alcohol, which leads to a tertiary carbocation. The carbocation is captured by an intramolecular SN1 reaction followed by loss of a proton to form 1. No separation of 3a and 3b is required.


(How to manipulate Jmol structures