Chem 225b

Comprehensive Organic Chemistry

Problem Set 9

Chapter 11

Due: Monday, April 14, 2008


1. In the E2 elimination of 2-bromo-2-methylbutane with NaOMe/HOMe, the ratio of Zaitsev/Hofmann product is 70/30. when KO-t-Bu/HO-t-Bu is employed, the ratio is 27/73.

a) Calculate the selectivity for each type of hydrogen in each experiment.

b) Why is the the ratio different even though the energy of the two products does not change.

c) How much heat is liberated in the hydrogenation of each isomer? Construct a standard state diagram to illustrate the thermochemistry.

2a) Using the Heat of Formation tables, determine the heat of hydrogenation of (Z)-2-butene.
b) Repeat part a) for (Z)-cyclohexene.
c) Knowing that cyclohexane is strain free (how do you know this from its ΔHfo?), what can be said about strain in (Z)-cyclohexene.

d) If cycloheptane and (Z)-cycloheptene were strain free, what would be there respective heats of formation? What would be the heat of hydrogenation?
e) The ΔHfo for cycloheptane is -28.2 kcal/mol and the ΔHfo for (Z)-cycloheptene is -1.8 kcal/mol. What is the heat of hydrogenation of (Z)-cycloheptene?
f) Draw a standard state diagram illustrating the three hydrogenations b), d) and e). Your diagram should confirm that the 7-membered ring compounds are less stable than the strain free 7-membered ring compounds. Which 7-membered ring, (Z)-cycloheptene or cycloheptane, is more responsible for the smaller heat of hydrogenation relative to the 6-membered compounds. Illustrate and explain.
g) (E)-Cycloheptene has never been isolated (put in a bottle) but it has been detected as an intermediate in reactions. Its ΔHfo has been calculated as +18.7 kcal/mol. What is its heat of isomerization to (Z)-cycloheptene? Show work.
h) What is its calculated heat of hydrogenation?

3. Compound A (M+=88) reacts with H2Cr2O7 to form B. Compound B reacts with Grignard reagent C to form D (M+=116). Exposure of D to catalytic H2SO4 affords a single compound E (M+=98). What are the structures A-E? Show your reasoning.

Compound A

Compound D