This website had its genesis in 1995. With a modest beginning of text and graphics, it has expanded over the years to include interactive exercises. There are five main sections to the website: Syllabus, Study Aids, Problem Sets (sample), Bulletin Board and Overheads. The first three items are world accessible; the last two categories are visible to Yale users only. There are also links to the Yale Chemistry Department and to the University itself. Return to the Home Page at any time by double clicking the "Home Page" button above, which is located throughout the website.

The Home Page has the address The horizontal menu at the top of the Home Page has drop down menus for the Study Aids and the Problem Sets. Double clicking on "Study Aids" , or "All" in the submenu, will link to the index for all Study Aids. The drop down submenus (A - M, N - P, Q - Z) will link directly to the topic within the Study Aids. The "Problem Sets" (PS) submenu lists PS1-PS10, each one in turn linked to the "Assignment" and "Solution".

F. E. Ziegler, 2011