Chem 220 - Organic Chemistry

Problem Set 8

Chapter 9, Alkynes

Due: April 8, 2013

Solution Set

Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1884)

(Wöhler possessed a wry sense of humor)

1 2


Aluminum was once a precious metal although it was plentiful. The problem was how to remove it from its ore. Friedrich Wöhler, of urea synthesis fame, was able to accomplish this feat but by an impractical method. He was to meet a young chemist, Frank Jewett, recently arrived in Göttingen from Yale. Aware of the difficulty Wöhler had had and probably encouraged by Wöhler, Jewett, as a professor at Oberlin College, passed the problem onto Charles Martin Hall, a young student at the college. Hall solved the problem in his family garage. Thus was born Alcoa. At the same time in Spray, North Carolina, Thomas Willson, a Canadian, and American James Moorhead were unsuccessfully trying to refine aluminum using an electric arc. Unsuccessful in purifying aluminum, they sought calcium metal. Heating coal tar and lime in an electric furnace they obtained a brittle material that produced a combustible gas upon exposure to water. The material was not calcium nor was the gas hydrogen. The pair was calcium carbide and acetylene, the basis for Union Carbide Corporation (RIP).

Charles Martin Hall (1863-1914)

The alkyne module in ORGO gives a good review of acetylene chemistry.

1. Provide the structures or reagents in each of the following questions. Explain your reasoning. a) Na/NH3 reduces internal alkynes to (E)-double bonds. A is (E)-3-hexene. Syn 1,2-dihydroxylation of an (E)-double bond affords (±)-B, 3,4-hexanediol. Lindlar-catalyzed hydrogenation of internal alkynes gives (Z)-double bonds. C is (Z)-3-hexene. Epoxidation of C occurs in a syn fashion providing the cis-oxirane D. Acid-catalyzed opening of the epoxide in an anti attack of water on the protonated epoxide affords B. Both routes end at B because one pathway is trans reduction and syn addition of two hydroxyl groups. The other pathway is cis reduction and anti addition.

b) The hindered borane adds to the terminal alkyne to afford a vinylborane that has the boron attached to the terminal end of the double bond. Oxidation of the borane yields "1-hydroxy-1-pentene", which tautomerizes to the aldehyde A, pentanal. There are two Sia-B bonds. "Sia" means sec-isoamyl. [Amyl is a generic term for a five carbon chain.] B is 3-methyl-2-butanol. Mercury-catalyzed hydration of the terminal alkyne leads to 2-pentanone C via its enol, 2-hydroxy-1-pentene.

c) Lindlar reduction gives 3-methyl-1-buttene A. [No stereochemistry here.] Hydroboration in turn adds the elements of water in an anti-Markovnikov mode to give alcohol B. HBr effects SN2 displacement of B to afford C, 1-bromobutane. Sodamide forms the anion of the terminal alkyne, which undergoes SN2 displacement of 1-bromobutane to form 2,7-dimethyl-3-octyne, D.

d) Reduction to (E)-5-decene. Anti addition of Br2.

e) No commentary

f) See c).



2. Compounds A and B are constitutional isomers. Determine the structures and reagents A-O. Explain your reasoning. The transformation A ---> H is clearly a Lindlar catalyzed hydrogenation of an alkyne to a (Z)-double bond. Ozonolysis of H gives K, which is either propionaldehyde or acetone. Acetone cannot be K because H would have to be 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (tetramethylethylene), an alkene that is not derivable from an alkyne. Thus, K = propionaldehyde, H = (Z)-3-hexene and A = 3-hexyne. J (cis-2,3-(1-propyl)oxirane) is formed in one step from H with MCPBA. Ozonolysis of A (there is no reduction step in the ozonolysis of an alkyne) gives a C3 carboxylic acid M, namely propanoic acid (propionic acid). Oxidation of propionaldehyde K gives propionic acid M. Saturation of 3-hexyne with hydrogen gives n-hexane C, which is formed from B by the same procedure. Therefore, B must be 1-hexyne or 2-hexyne. Since permanganate oxidation affords CO2, the remainder of the C6 alkyne must be C5 in the form of pentanoic acid (valeric acid) L. B is 1-hexyne. [Note: CO2 is formed by over oxidation of formic acid (HCO2H). 2-Hexyne would have given butanoic acid (butyric acid) and ethanoic acid (acetic acid)]. meso-E is 3,4-dibromohexane. Given the anti mechanism of bromine addition to a double bond, D is (E)-3-hexene, which is prepared by Na/NH3 (reagent N) reduction of A. F is the trans stereoisomer of J, formed in a double inversion, two-step reaction. Reagent O is H3O+, which opens the racemic epoxide to give meso-G, 3,4-hexandiol.

3. This problem bears many similarities to #2. It is presented as a word problem rather than as a chart. Two bottles are found on a laboratory shelf labeled "alkyne A" and "alkyne B". Hydrogenation of A or B over a platinum catalyst gives the same alkane C. A and B have the same connectivity of carbon atoms. Compound A reacts with H2 in the presence of Lindlar's catalyst to form D. A forms a (Z)-double bond. Compound D reacts with O3 to form a single compound E, C3H6O. D is a symmetrically substituted double bond (single monofunctional product) as is A a symmetrically substituted triple bond. E cannot be acetone because ozonolysis would have produced it from 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (tetramethylethylene), which cannot be derived from an alkyne. E must be propionaldehyde, CH3CH2CHO. Therefore, D is (Z)-3-hexene and A is 3-hexyne. On the other hand, compound B reacts with aq. H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4 to give two ketones J and K. B is either 1-hexyne or 2-hexyne. 1-Hexyne would give only 2-hexanone upon Hg++-catalyzed hydration. 2-Hexyne would give 2- and 3-hexanone. These two ketones are J and K; B is 2-hexyne. Under the same conditions, A gives only J. Since A, 3-hexyne, affords only J under these conditions, J must be 3-hexanone and K is 2-hexanone. Compound B also reacts with Na/NH3 to give F, (F is (E)-2-hexene) which itself reacts with Br2/H2O to give a pair of constitutional isomers, G and H. Anti addition of the elements of HOBr gives G and H. See below. Treatment of either G or H with aqueous NaOH gives the same compound I, C6H12O, that is also formed by the reaction of F with peracid. Halohydrin formation followed by base treatment gives an even number of SN2 inversions of stereochemistry: two. Peracid gives zero inversions. Therefore, the two reaction sequences give the same trans epoxide I. What are the structures of A-K? Explain and illustrate. [Note: G and H are not distinguished from one another. Pay attention to stereochemistry.]

4. When racemic acetylenic alcohol 1, which bears a deuterium atom at the asymmetric carbon, was exposed to the potassium salt of 1,3-diaminopropane (KAPA, in place of NaNH2) in 1,3-diaminopropane as a solvent, racemic 2 was obtained in a "zipper" reaction after aqueous workup with 97% of the deuterium retained. [Note: You can find out about this reaction by Googling: alkyne zipper (mechanism) or see Problem 6 in the alkyne module of ORGO.]

a) How many equivalents of KAPA are required in this reaction? Explain. The diamine has a pKa (Table) similar to ammonia (pKa = 35). Its conjugate base (KAPA) will deprotonate the alcohol (pKa = 16) to form 3. The zipper reaction requires only catalytic KAPA but the terminal alkyne 2 (pKa = 25) requires stoichiometric base for deprotonation. At least two equivalents of KAPA are required.
b) What can be concluded from the the near perfect retention of deuterium in 2? The zipper reaction can migrate the triple bond three bonds to the right (structure 4) but it can't abstract the deuterium to form allene 5. If 5 were formed, the zipper could still move the triple bond to the left to form 2. This inability to remove the deuterium is not a deuterium isotope effect. It is a kinetic issue wherein the propargylic CH2 (next to the triple bond) are more acidic than propargylic methine hydrogens (or deuterium atoms).
c) If compound 1 were of the (R)-configuration with hydrogen in place of deuterium, what would the structure of 2 be? Why? The inability to form 5, which is racemic, means that the there is no configurational change at the asymmetric carbon. Compound 2 would be optically active and of the (R)-configuration.
d) What is the role of the aqueous workup? To protonate the dianion 6. How would you prepare (±)-2 bearing an additional deuterium attached to the terminal sp-hybridized carbon.? Explain and illustrate. "Protonate" with D2O which will add deuterium to the acetylene anion and the alkoxide. Wash this compound with water, which will exchange -OD for -OH and leave the alkyne deuterium bond as well as the original C-D bond unaffected.