Chem 220a

Problem Set 6

Chapter 7

Due: Monday, October 17, 2005 

Do problems 2-4 in the Alkyl Halide module in ORGO. They need not appear on your homework.

1. Read Degrees (Elements) of Unsaturation here and/or here. How many degrees of unsaturation are present in C6H8Br2ClN3O2S?
a) Draw a structure that has the number of degrees of unsaturation you determined and that is necessarily in agreement with the formula.
b) Comment on the formula C9H20BrCl2NO2.
c) The compound C7HxBrCl2N2O2P satisfies all the valences of its atoms. Is "x" odd or even? Explain.
2a) Using the
Heat of Formation tables, determine the heat of hydrogenation of (Z)-2-butene.
b) Repeat part a) for (Z)-cyclohexene.
c) Knowing that cyclohexane is strain free (how do you know this from its ΔHfo?), what can be said about strain in (Z)-cyclohexene.

Paul Sabatier
1912 Co-Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Hydrogenation by Metal Catalysis

d) If cycloheptane and (Z)-cycloheptene were strain free, what would be there respective heats of formation? What would be the heat of hydrogenation?
e) The ΔHfo for cycloheptane is -28.2 kcal/mol and the ΔHfo for (Z)-cycloheptene is -1.8 kcal/mol. What is the heat of hydrogenation of (Z)-cycloheptene?
f) Draw a standard state diagram illustrating the three hydrogenations b), d) and e). Your diagram should confirm that the 7-membered ring compounds are less stable than the strain free 7-membered ring compounds. Which 7-membered ring, (Z)-cycloheptene or cycloheptane, is more responsible for the smaller heat of hydrogenation relative to the 6-membered compounds. Illustrate and explain.
g) (E)-Cycloheptene has never been isolated (put in a bottle) but it has been detected as an intermediate in reactions. Its ΔHfo has been calculated as +18.7 kcal/mol. What is its heat of isomerization to (Z)-cycloheptene? Show work.
h) What is its calculated heat of hydrogenation?

3. Hydrocarbon A (ΔHfo = -45.3 kcal/mol) gives three compounds upon free radical chlorination: Compounds B and C are achiral and (±)-D is not. Exposure of B to aq. NaOH gives principally product E (C = 72.41%, H = 13.79%) and little F. Compound C reacts readily with excess water to form G and some H. On the other hand, treatment of C with aqueous NaOH affords only H and no G. Treatment of compound D with the hindered base t-C4H9OK gives both H and F. Catalytic hydrogenation of F gives A with the liberation of 30.0 kcal/mol of heat. The heat of hydrogenation of H is -25.5 kcal/mol.
a) What are the structures A-H? Explain.
b) What is the ΔHfo of H? Show work.

4. In all of the following reactions, a limited amount of reagent is employed. In parts a) and b), which of the starting reactants disappears faster. Explain. In c) and d), what is the structure of the product and how and why is it formed. Use curved arrow mechanisms where applicable.


5. In each of the following questions, provide the missing structure with a mechanism for its formation. In cases where a product is provided, show a mechanism for its formation. Pay attention to optical activity and stereochemistry.