Chem220 and Chem220js


Since its inception, Chem 220 [] has been hosted by the CLASSES server at Yale. This server has been decommissioned. Consequently, the site has been moved to You will automatically be transferred to the new URL if you use the older URL for about one year (2015). Chem 220 has been using Java Applets in four applications: a) Jmol molecules, b) electrostatic potential maps, c) molecular orbitals and d) NMR spectroscopy. You will need to set your Java Security at least on "high" and under Exceptions, add When you come to a Java app, choose RUN.


There is more good news! The Java apps have been converted to JavaScript. In addition, the formats of some of these apps have been improved. Chem220js [] is now available. Moreover, you can access Chem220js on your mobile device!

Please e-mail any problems to F. E. Ziegler.

F. E. Ziegler

Jan. 13, 2015